Biblical Archeology, Free Course 1

Feb 12, 2022 | Biblical Archeology Course | 0 comments

Archeology is the science that studies the past with the help of tangible materials from past civilizations that can be discovered today. Though the systematized form of this science is less than 200 years old, it was long in making through activities that were not exactly meant to develop this branch of science. It would be interesting to examine how it all came to be throughout fits and starts.

Biblical Archeology is that branch of General Archeology that deals with all aspects of archeological discoveries that have a bearing upon the Bible and the Christian faith. This introductory course will prepare you for more advanced Biblical Archeology free courses that are available on this website.


About These Free Biblical Archeology Courses

These totally free online correspondence courses in bible, apologetics, and biblical archeology are offered as a service by the Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology. Trinity offers several graduate programs in bible and theology totally tuition-free. Check TRINITY if you are interested.

The free biblical archeology courses offered to you on this site are for your personal study and enrichment. Many of these courses will contain an exam or test at the end. Once you work on them, show your answers to either your pastor or to your spiritual mentor. You need not send them to us because these are meant for self-study only.


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